
CRM Consultants

Our Services

HomeDev offer technical consultancy services in all aspects of the InterAction system


Installing InterAction for the first time? We can help with, Envrionment Analysis, Hardware specification, server software installation, client Software packaging and installation, building of test/training environments and full firm rollout, including onboarding fee earners into IMO.

Major Upgrades

Moving from InterAction 5.6 SP4 to 6.2? No problem. HomeDev can assist with all aspects from helping review your current server infrastructure, planning and executing the upgrade process to seemlessly move you onto the latest platform and take advantages of features like IMO.

Minor Upgrades

Upgrading your system between point releases to take benefit of new features and bug fixes. HomeDev can help select the appropriate patch level, perform the server side patching and provide updated installation packages for client software.


HomeDev have extensive experience in integrating InterAction with other enterprise level systems, including your practice management system or your HR system. We can provide Application Collaboration based intergrations or leveage the InterAction APIs to make the magic happen.

Module Implementation

Want to extend your InterAction implementation by customising and installing a module? HomeDev have experience in implementing the Opportunities or engagement modules, or enabling InterAction for Microsoft Outlook (IMO) within your organisation.


HomeDev can develop complex SQL Server Reporting Services reports for InterAction either fully integrated into the application or parameter based reports. Tables, charts or graphs, get true insight into your business by leveraging the data contained within your CRM.

Our Clients

These are some of HomeDev's happy clients

Case Study

Norton Rose Fulbright and Henry Davis York - Merger

The background

In Australia the law firms NRF and HDY were merging under the NRF banner. Both NRF and HDY had their own installation of InterAction.

The brief

The project brief was to move all relevant HDY InterAction data from HDY's InterAction into NRF's InterAction system, to be run on the weekend of the two firms merger.

The project had to move all companies and people contact records including their core details like addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. Contact relationships and a number of years worth of activity records needed to be retained and moved into NRF InterAction system. Some of the folder structures, global additional field data and folder specific additional field data also needed to be maintained.

The solution

HomeDev designed and developed a custom SQL Server based migration solution that extracted the relevant information from the HDY InterAction system, into a migration database. This data was manipulated as required and imported into the NRF InterAction via a series of Application Collaboration loading processes.

The areas of relationships and activities were more complicated. HomeDev built two console applications that leveraged InterAction's API's. The applications read the data from the migration database and then called the required API "Add" methods to replicate the relationships and activities into the NRF system. These multi-threaded applications processed records at approx. 45 records per second.

A deduplication process was also developed to identify contacts that existed in both systems and would therefore be duplicated once the data had been merged.

The outcome

The migration process was developed in a test environment, documented and numerous pass through tests completed to allow NRF/HDY to validate the outcome of the processes, prior to sign-off and execution against production.

HomeDev executed the migration plan on the Friday evening on the weekend of the merger between HDY and NRF. The entire process was executed on that evening and the system was live on Saturday for verification and testing.

No errors were encoutered and the NRF InterAction system was fully functional with combined HDY and NRF data on day one of the morning of the two combined firms.

The client was extremely happy with this outcome.


A few comments from some happy clients

Contact us

Sydney, Australia

Phone: available on request